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small delights
this days is dedicated to the small things that dots our dailly life with beautiful delights
fishes of fortunes
- vilika zhimomi
the story starts on a day when along with a good friend of mine went to the market hoping to pamper myself after a hectic week with some intresting goodies, no thing specific to buy but an open mind toward anything that catches my attention. after a tiring and unsuccesful browing through a number of clothing and home appliances shops (towards which i have a general tendency) we decided to settle for some cold shakes at "cafe coffee Day" and call it a day.
out of CCD and into the wild street of a busy market, we walked our way through hunting for an Auto for our ride home, it was then that my eyes feel upon the signs " the pet shop"., no second thoughs, no hesitations, no decisions and no nothing, i made my way into the particular shopping with my friend who seemed equally intrested.
out of the shop and back to my room, between this time the primary recollection in my memory is me saying good bye to my friend and thanking him for going out with me, rest was not important. with a triumphant feeling i set up my aquarium i had just bought and released a pair of tiger fish and another pair of fishes that were gold in clolor but not gold fish, in a small ceremony attended by my roomate the fishes were named: goldie and sparky for the golden colored fishes and lory and dory for the tiger fish pair. then the aquarium was awarded the the most exclusive and visible space on my dressing table, that night how much time i spend with the fishes, watching their every sweet moves was officially unrecorded, but it was a very substaintial amount of time well justified by pure delight.
the fact that i got up earlier then usual the next morning is the proof that the joy of having these fishes is immense, i quickly fed the fishes as i got up and went for a wash up. it was when i came back after shower that i realised that a small tragedy had happened, a tragedy for which i was very much responsible, my fault was me being a novice with having an aquarium, i had filled up the water up to the brim which allowed lory to jump out of the aquarium to the floor and ultimately meet an umtimely end. lory had fallen into a cascade of marble which was why i couldnt notice it with ablurry eye when i first got up that morning. lory thus left the remaining fishes and me in a paper coffin. sadly the tragedy didnt end there, by evening dory the other tiger fish, was becoming more and more inactive, not eating the food and somtimes seemed to be floating, though there is no concrete explanation for dory's condition i assumed it was becouse lory was gone. the faint hope of dory's recovery dimmed out finally as i found iy floating belly uplate that night.
the water level of the fish tank had been reduced by over 50% of the original as soon as i realized the cause of lory's tragedy, the fragility of life, especially the fishes struck me hard, i hoped that the remaining fishes survive their natural lenght of life ( of which I am not sure of but expect to be at least over a year), while somewhere inside i tried not to hope to much and get disappointed again. somehow i was more determined to try my best and not let another life (of the fishes) slip through my hands and dim out.
days passes and goldy and sparky stood by me, everytime i walk into the room, or make noises that are pretty loud they make a dash of excitement in thier aquarium ( like as if i was gonna hurt them), when i feed them they make as dash for the food and quickly rush back to the bottom ( like as if someone was gonna snatch the food right out of their cute mouth). how they sleep with open eyes and how they struggle whenever i change the water, like new born kids not knowing what is happening around them, it is indeed a joy to have them around, this small delights are are a new found fortune of mine
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