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careers and life
what do you really wanna be?
for most people especially since the era of industrialization this question remains unanswered for a good part of their life and after the ideal answer(considered as such) is found a short life remains.
so where do you come in? you could be a teenager full of options and confusions, a young adult already doing something and also having a handfull of options, a middle age not really satisfied with what is achieved so far and having a few options to choose from, or pensioner who has been there, done that and still wanna paint more in life looking for the suitable option. what ever phase of life you may be in you always have option or can always create a few for yourself. what counts is how prepared you are and how you choose your options
career options:
a person has numerous options, some are suitable while a few are ideal, the following traits and factors determines how suitable a career is for a person:
- how you want your life to be
- personality
- talent(s)
- qualification
- family and friends
- society
- demand for a particular profession
let us take a look at the common career options available to a person:
- public sector jobs
- private (business) sector jobs
- NGOs
- entreprenuership
- politician
- artistics/craftmanships
and popular qualifications are:
- engineering (degree/diploma)
computer: hardware/software
aeronautical and avionics
electronics and telecom
- medical and pharmaceuticals
- management
Human resource
international business
services management
Supply chain management
political science
- Fashion designing
- journalism and mass communication
- addional/supplementing and other new age courses:
computer graphics and designing
interior designing
software designs and applications
# a lot of other courses and careers may not have found their place in the above however this does not mean that they are less important
matching up your qualification with career and life
very few people are lucky enough be sure at a very young age on what they want to be in life and have a suitable talent backing it up and they grow up to be what they want. others are not that lucky. as kids every everyone want to be something or the other as soon as they get the notion of being something in life. however things change and so do desires, aims and goals. nothing is really fixed in Mind and the theory of RELATIVITY of physics apply in human life, the environment around us changes and so do our thinking, adaptibility to change is the key to success
an academic qualification is a brief highlight of an idividuals abilities, though it is not 100 % accurate it does help in showcasing a persons capacity and knowledgebility, thus the more qualification a person has, the more credibility he has, this notion is however only acceptable upto to a certain age, come adulthood and an individual need to prove his/her worth and credibility (which may or may not have been highlighted in the academic certtificates) by doing something or the other and making things happen favorably less he/she be signed off as a non-event (no threshold potential).
what course(s) to pursue?
"whatever your objectives be a flexible mind fits best"
issues involed in deciding what to pursue:
- your interest
- altenatives available and level of your interest in the altenatives
- your consistency of interest
- propect of the course
- flexibility
- cost involved-
- time cost
- opportunity cost
- money cost
- other relevant cost (peers, social, family etc)
personality traits and course consistency- a model matchup:
(likely suitable situations)
when you are:
- imaginative, creative and out of the box thinker: a course that allows you to exercise maximum imaginations and creativity -say management course, mass media (the entertainment industry and advertising) multi media, gaming, engineering and architecture, designing etc
- inquisitive, patient, striong perseverance and a seeker of details: a course that allows you to explore facts, helps you figure out events and phenomenons and the likes- example pure science, history, archeology, mathematics and other research fields etc
- strongly concerned about health and fitness: courses that allows you to better understand the human body and how take care of it best- example, medical science, dietician, yoga, and the various health and fitness studies
- carefree and down to earth, imaginative with a strong sense of feelings and emotions: courses that can help you express yourself better- say, fine arts; story writing, compositons etc
- imaginative, raring to go and with litle tolerance for imposed rules and regulation: any course that will develop your talents and potential and help you set yourself up as an entreprenuer.
an individual has multiple traits that make up a his total personality and the above combinations are just models to showcase the aspects of better suitability. also the above mentioned traits are just a few out of many.
after choosing a course and as you pursue:
- first of all, after choosing a course that holds your interest give it your best efforts to master it. consistent labour is the key to getting on top.
- look around for activities (co curricular or extra curricular) that will enhance your knowledge and give you chances to put into practice what you have learned or are learning
- whenever the flexibility is there, undertake other complementary course that will complement for qulaification in the long run. example: a physics or a mthematics student can opt for computer application course which will complement his /her core course
- assess yourself and your achievements, define your targets and work out a strategy to achieve it
- keep health maintainence among top priorities
- time to time chill out relax and look back and plan ahead
the career ahead:
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