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models of life

like every other jouney we take, life too needs navigation to reach the destiny

for a start lets take a brief look at the human life cycle:
Infancy- newborn to the age of two years (2), lil Kings and Queens in their own term, (some times lil' tyrants) starts to learn starting and walking, teeth growing rapidly. The body was also quite out of proportion (big head for example).

Childhood- Childhood lasts from the age of two years to adolescence . bones and teeth were growing rapidly and soon changes such as teeth being replaced with permanents happen. develops intellectual skills (reading/writing) 

Adolescence- Adolescence is the age where the body becomes more mature. a stage where people tries to pull together the loose end, It is sometimes a emotionally distressing time for teenagers 

Adulthood- Adulthood is the age where the body slows down. have a more definite idea of self, more able to cope with external changes

learning and the life cycle:

    no knowledge is inbuild in human and no talent comes without learning. evrything is learned either by expirience or by education, even "living" is learned, learning is the road to wisdom

Wisdom is having gained knowledge, experience, discretion, and intuitive understanding, along with a capacity to apply these qualities well. It is the judicious application of knowledge

    learning is a continous process and not a one time event. by nature human's learn faster when they are young, so youngsters have the advantage when it comes to learning new things, but this is not absolute. factors such as WILL, DETERMINNATION, CONSISTENCY OF LABOUR AND ATTITUDE all plays crucial roles in the learning process and older people ac uptrurn this advantages given the fact that numerous factors affect learning as discussed below
  Learning is the acquisition and development of memories and behaviors, including skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and wisdom. It is the product of experience and the goal of education

factors that affect learning-
    factors affecting learning can be classified into internal(within the individual) and external (the environment around the individual)

some internal factors

  • Age:age takes its toll on the brain
  • Intelligence: Intelligence effects very much on learning, if individual has maximum level of intelligence he can learn more and easily at maximum level.
  • Attention: ability to give attention is a strongpoint of learning
  • Interest: the appeal that a subject has on an individual has a positive correleation to learning
  • Mental & physical health: Learning also depends upon mental and physical health of the individual or subject, if an individual does not have mental health or physical one, the subject can fulfill the demands of the process of learning due to his weak mental and physical capabilities.
  • Fatigue: If an individual is tired, he cannot pay full attention towards learn something

some external factors:

  • Nature of knowledge:intresting things can be learned faster
  • Recitation: Recitation is an effective tool of learning
  • Meaning : meaningfull knowledge are more selectively absorbed
  • Exercise & repetition
  • size of material- volumous knowledge are tasking to the learning process, learning by part is a tool in this regards
  • Reward : The presence or absence of reward can affect learning

model of an average joe making it big in life ( through learning ofcourse

let us rush through the Model life of an average Joe:

baby joe---joe lives his childhood----joe graduates from school

at this juncture assuming that joe's family is in the category of "lower-middle" class,  let us consider the following orientations that joe may have as a fresh school graduate (various other orientations and situations are very much a possibility)

1. entreprenuer orientation has a keen desire to be a part of the hospitality industry
2. has a strong orientation toward scienctific research
3. loves the corporate world of business

situation 1
  • aged 18 joe gets a small job in a well known restuarant, his dream of starting his own has to wait as he is unable to start as of now or join some prestigious hotel managment institute.

loves what he is doing, constantly strives for better performance as he works he also take up a correspondence course in hotel management and get his degree after 3 years

  • after three years joe is an area manager, as he works he also contemplates a plan to set up his own resturant which is hopes to expand into a chain.

with enriched knowledge through experience and education Joe scans the environment, draws up a business plan and selected an affluent suburb as his target market

  • at the age of 22 using his savings a a small loan joe starts his own restuarant, having first hand experience with the business joe know "what works and what does'nt" and where improvements can be made, his education as well has his contant scanning of relevant new allows him to integrate new cost saving technologies that also improves the quality of service.

with his business growing steadily, within 4 years Joe expands his restuarant into a chain of five restuarant with aims of expanding more, joe knows that in business risk can never be eliminated, so he diversify his risk by holding government bonds (risk free), buying stocks of incorporated companies (in stock exchanges),investing in real estates and having a steady saving.

  •   at 26 joe is the owner of a succesfull restuarant chain, with solid financial backbone.

joe studied closely related businesses where he can diversify and identifies that one such business was "event catering and management services"

  • At 28 his chain had grown to 10 restuarants all offering catering services in their respective areas. maybe its time now that joe decides wether to incorporate his business making it a public company where he can always have the majority stake.
how he was able to succed:
1. focus on what he wants
2. steady learning process
3. a keen observation of the environment
4. thinking beyond what he wants to consolidate what he want
5. preparing ahead
6. synergy of learning by experience, education and desire, backed with determination



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